Enjoy farm to table hors
d'oeuvres from one of Dallas' BEST restaurants FT33, paired with wines
and be apart of an amazing educational cultural experience, meet new
people and be engaged, enlightened and inspired. Look
no further and sign up for this class. Goss Michael Foundation is partnering with Oil and Cotton to offer a
social mixer and educational mash-up. Enjoy post-punk music while taking
part in a creative experiment. Attendees will have the opportunity to
participate in a class set in the galleries of GMF responding to current
exhibiting artists. Classes provide insightful and fun exploration of
contemporary art. Wine and bites will be provided. Proceeds from the
class go to The Goss-Michael Foundation arts education and scholarship

Artist Linder Sterling used photographs taken from different media
sources. These images were enlarged, cropped, and juxtaposed with
disparate images. Artist Bryan Adams has used photography to document
the obsession of celebrity in popular culture. In this class,
participants will partake in a collage project exploring the impact of
another media form on our cultural and personal identities, SOCIAL
MEDIA. Students will create an IDENTITY BOOK combining images from mass
media, our own Facebook, other social media profiles, and various paper
ephemera. Clippings will be cut and adhered on the transparent pages of
the book to create layers of meaning.
Social media platforms such as blogs Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
online dating websites, and Pinterest give individuals the tools to cut,
paste, and edit photos and information to construct and edit (montage)
personal identities that are often idealized versions of reality. Our
project will ask attendees to reflect on the identity they have created
for themselves via social media platforms juxtaposed with the self that
they have airbrushed and left on the cutting room floor. How do we
curate these public profiles to position ourselves in the most
flattering light?
No art making experience is needed. Join us for an evening of music, creative exploration, and new friends.
This class is taking place at
Goss-Michael Foundation
1405 Turtle Creek Boulevard
Dallas, TX 75207
(214) 696-0555